Antique 13'" pocket watch movement identification help

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Antique 13'" pocket watch movement identification help

Postby szbalogh » Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:19 am

Bought this nice pocket watch movement for casing and found "LeCoultre&Co" stamped in the bottom of the barrel bridge.
Serial numbe in the main plate on the dial side is: 91634
Number "2" is stamped on the bottom of all bridges and on the main plate at the dial side.
Dropbox link to pictures: ... WLE3a?dl=0
Any information about the movement would be appreciated. Date of manufacture, calibre number... maybe a catalogue picture or a reference.
It is an ebauche, what manufacturer bought this from LeCoultre?

Thank You!

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Re: Antique 13'" pocket watch movement identification help

Postby zafbasha » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:58 pm

I don't have any catalogs that go back to ear bar style movements like what you have. It's going to be difficult to identify.

A whole set of manufacturers could have bought it. This is from the era where LeCoultre has a ebauche supplier they probably didn't even have their own line of watches.

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